Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sigma Beauty: The New Cleansing & Polishing Tool

Sigma Beauty has released yet another fun product and this time its this cleansing and polishing tool. I have been wanting to try a product like this for the longest time, but i just haven't gotten around to order one yet. Im so happy that Sigma has released this beauty tool because i have been wanting to buy the Clarisonic Mia but i think its too expensive and this is only $39 which is a total steal. It comes with three different brush heads, one for each skin type, how amazing is that?☺

I have already ordered mine and i cant wait to recieve it and try it
out. I think this might be my new love☺

Are you going to order this?
Love Christine♥

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Loreal Paris: Lipstick in Fairest Nude


Fairest Nude finally came in the mail yesterday and im so excited, this is such a beautiful lipstick. I bought this because of all the attention it has got from other beauty bloggers and also from the gurus on youtube. They definitely were right about this lipstick, its gorgeous and so natural looking. Its such a beautiful color that is going to look good on everyone and i just have to say that im happy that i spent my money on this one. Its definitely a lipstick that im going to use a lot☺

What do you think about Fairest Nude?
Which lipstick by Loreal Paris is you're favorite?☺
Love Christine♥

Zoya: The Summertime Collection

Strong colors with a cream finish describes the Zoya Summertime Collection perfectly.
These six, bold, lucious shades are highly pigmented and delivers a unique twist on the classic Summer creams☺

* Sooki
* Tamsen
* Areej
* Kieko
* Mira
* Breezi

My favorites from this collection are Areej and Breezi, I think they are so pretty.
I definitely need to buy more colors from Zoya, because I only have one color and thats Bela which was featured in the big movie Black Swan☺.

What do you think about this collection?
Which nail polish websites do you recommend?☺
Love Christine♥

Leather Wedges

* Sweather - Cubus
* Tank Top - H&M
* Tights - Vero Moda
* Shoes -

Its been such a long time since i have done an outfit of the day post. I love doing these kinds of posts, so im going to try and do them more often. Im wore my new sweater that i shared with you in my sweater post. Its so soft and confortable, i love it☺

What do you think?☺
Love Christine♥

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kandee Johnson inspired Supreme Necklace Giveaway Winner

Its time to announce the winner of the Kandee Johnson inspired Supreme Necklace. We really want to thank everyone that wanted to be a part of this giveaway and also for being so patient with us. We had a lot of entries, but we finally have a winner. Congrats to Dinorah from Dinorah Baby, you are our lucky winner. I cant wait to hear how you like your new fabulous Supreme Necklace. A HUGE thank you to Pinky Loco for wanting to do this giveaway with me, you girls are amazing☺ Im announcing a new giveaway pretty soon, so stay tuned for that☺

Love Christine♥

New Sweaters

Sweaters from Cubus.

These are my two newest pieces in my closet. You can never go wrong with a creme colored cardigan and a confortable cute sweather. I picked up these last Thursday along with Beyonce - Heat Rush and Paris Hilton -Tease

Im thinking about ordering some fun and bright clothes from H&M.
I went by their store today and saw some really cute things that would be super cute for summer. I really want to try out Colorblocking which is a huge trend, so lets see if we can find some cute pieces to create a fun look☺

What is your recent purchase?☺
Love Christine♥

China Glaze: The Island Escape Collection

* Papaya Punch
* 108 Degrees
* Senorita Bonita
* Blue Iguana
* Cha Cha Cha
* Electric Pineapple

Here is the really cool, bold and fun summer collection by China Glaze called Island Escape.
This collection consists of six colorful and fun shades perfect for the summer time. I definitely want to get 108 Degrees, Senorita Bonita, Blue Iguana and Cha Cha Cha, i think that they are the cutest colors from this collection☺.

What do you think about this collection?
Did you buy any of these colors?
Love Christine

Friday, May 27, 2011

Haul: NYX Cosmetics

Swatches: Left To Right
* Lip Liner in Natural, Nude Pink & Lipstick in Strawberry Milk

* Trio Eyeshadow Quad in TS05 - Baby Pink/Cotton Candy/Spring Flower
* Trio Eyeshadow Quad in TS29A - Rock & Roll
* Sharpener
* Cherry Culture Lip Balm in Bubble Gum - Got this for free with my purchase
* Push-Up Bra For Eyebrow
* Lip Liner in 810 Natural
* Lip Liner in 858 Nude Pink
* Round Lipstick in Strawberry Milk

I placed an order at Cherry Culture's website about two weeks ago and my package arrived today☺. I buy almost all off my NYX products from their website because i think their prices are good and the shipping to Norway isn't that bad either. I also ordered some NYX goodies for a giveaway☺

Right now Cherry Culture has a Memorial Day Sale going on from May 26th-May31st. Use code MDS20 for 20% off everything in their store. I might need to place another NYX order, i love NYX Cosmetics☺

Have you tried any of these products by NYX?☺
Love Christine♥

ASOS: Leather Portfolio Clutch

I saw this super gorgeous leather envelope clutch bag on a few days ago and i just fell in love with it. Its so beautiful and i absolutely love the bold color. June 16th is my birthday and this is definietly on my birthday wishlist☺. This is going to look so cute with casual and dressy outfits and its going to make any outfit stand out. Here is the link to the clutch if you are interested in checking it out.☺

What do you think about this leather clutch?
Love Christine

Giveaway Package From Tracy

* Joe - Lip Stain in Apple /Pomme
* Joe - nail polish in Storm Tempete
* TRESemme - Shine Spray
* Balmshell - Lipgloss
* NYC - Smooth Skin bronzing face powder in Sunny
* NYC - Blushable cream stick - big apple blush
* Hard Candy - Blush in honeymoon
* Annabelle Lipliner - 405 Demure/Modeste
* Sephora - Mirror

I while ago i won a giveaway that the lovely Tracy from my best beauty buys hosted on her blog and i finally got the package a few days ago. I wanted to share these lovely products that i got.I have been wanting to try products by Hard Candy, NYC and Balmshell because we dont have those brands here in Norway, so im very excited to give these a try☺Thank you so much Tracy for this lovely package, i love everything and it was so sweet of you to include a note and those postcards☺

Have you tried any of these products? ☺
Love Christine♥

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Guest Post

Im going to start with guest posts on my blog, so if you are interested in having your product review etc posted on my blog, please feel free to contact me at

Love Christine♥

H&M: WaterAid Collection

WaterAid is an international non governmental organisation. Their mission is to transform lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities.
H&M is supporting WaterAid by donating 25% off the sale price of their WaterAid Collection to this organisation.
Here are the pieces from this collection:

What do you think about this collection?
See anything you like?
Love Christine♥

Perfume: Tease By Paris Hilton

The first time i got to try out this perfume was at the airport in Bangkok on our way home back from Phuket. I remember loving it so much but i didn't buy it because we were in a hurry. I have been looking for this perfume since we came home from Thailand, but none of the stores here had it until recently. On Tuesday when i went shopping with my mom, I saw it on the perfume stand in one of the regular stores that i always go to. They just got it so of course i just had to have it since its been on my wishlist for a long time. Im happy i picked it up, now i have yet another perfume to add to my perfume collection☺

Tease by Paris Hilton smells really good. Now I have three perfumes by Paris and i love them all, but my favorite has to be the one called Paris Hilton. It smells so amazing, but unfortunately im all out which means that i have to get another bottle. Its definitely one of my favorite perfumes☺

Which perfume is your favorite?
Have you tried this?☺
Love Christine

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello Kitty: Fun Eyeshadow Palette

You all probably know how much i love and adore Hello Kitty, and i saw this really cute and fun eyeshadow palette at H&M yesterday and i just had to pick it up. Im excited to try it out, because it looks so pretty. I love how it has some neutral colors but also a few fun colors aswell. Im really looking forward to try all these colors, they look extremely pretty

What do you think about the colors?☺
Love Christine♥
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