Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Essie Pink Parka: Review, Photos & Swatches

Hey Beauties :) 
Essie's Pink Parka is a nail polish that I have been looking forever for, but I could never find it anywhere online. A few weeks ago, I finally found it after hours of searching for it and I immediately added it to my shopping bag. Keep reading if you want to know what I think about this nail polish by Essie :)

 ♥ Essie Pink Parka.

Pink Parka is a beautiful neon pink nail polish that dries matte. I'm actually very disappointed in the formula of this nail polish. Its very thin and extremely streaky, which makes it a pain in the butt to apply. I had to work a lot with it to get it to look somewhat okay and I'm still not happy with how it looks on my nails. 

Pink Parka is a nail polish that you have to work very fast with, because it dries in only a few seconds. I had to use three, very thick coats to make it look opaque but it was still very streaky after all those coats. I do like how quickly it dries though, a few seconds is really impressive :)

  ♥ Essie Pink Parka.

 ♥ Essie Pink Parka.
♥ Essie Pink Parka.

Pink Parka is extremely bright, its definitely an ''In Your Face'' kind of nail polish. I absolutely love the color, its really delightful but I wish the formula was much better. It dries matte which I'm not a big fan of but that problem can be solved with a top coat.

I haven't found a perfect dupe for Pink Parka yet, but there are a lot of similar shades by other brands available. I really wish that Essie would release this nail polish again and change the formula and make it a creme nail polish instead of a matte one. That would be amazing because the color of this nail polish is extremely gorgeous :)

Rating: 2/6

Do you like neon nail polishes? Have you tried Essie's Pink Parka? Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment :) Xoxo, Christine♥


  1. Lucky you:) Ive been hunting for this one forever:)
    Sara xx http://beautifulworldoflennynb.blogspot.ca/

  2. Lovely color. As I stated in your earlier post, it would look amazing with a tan. :)
    Stay in touch,

    Visit: thereviewella.blogspot.com

  3. Only 2/6 - That's interesting! I have seen it go on eBay for over $60.00 for one bottle???? Orly Hot Shot is pretty similar I hear!

  4. I have this and LOVE it. The closest dupe I have is China Glaze Shocking Pink - love both of them!

  5. Oh I love that colour, its a bit neon!

  6. This has got to be the most gorgeous pink I've ever seen! I think it evens beats my dear NYX Advanced Salon Nail Polish in Hot Pink, although I believe it's quite similar. Since you're as much of a fan of NYX's as I am, you should check it out ^^ Thanks for sharing XOXO ^^

  7. @Stacie I didn't like the formula, but that doesn't mean that you won't like it. Yeah, because its a super rare nail polish. I would never pay $60 for this :)

  8. @Essie Rae I'm happy to hear that you like it, not a fan of the formula but the color is beautiful :)

  9. @theReviewélla Yeah it definitely would look great with a tan :)

  10. Don't most good neons dry matte?

  11. WHAT WEBSITE DID U GET THIS FROM!! ive been searching for it everywhere! i dont want to pay $50 or whatever theyre asking on ebay.

  12. @c8snails The prices on eBay are ridiculous. I found it on a Norwegian website, sadly they only ship to Norway :( Have you tried Amazon? You might find it there :)

    1. Not not Amazon. In Anazon someone is selling it for 125.00 USD.

  13. What site did you get it from? I have been searching for this colour for ages! What is the name of the Norwegian website? I've tried amazon and it's not on there. And i prefrably wouldnt like to be paying 125 dollars for a nail polish! thanks :)


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