Monday, January 2, 2012

NYX Single Eyeshadows in Spring Flower, Daffodil, Deep Purple, Nude, Taupe, Antique Gold, Iced Mocha & Dark Brown [Swatches]

I wanted to share the swatches of my 8 newest eyeshadows by NYX Cosmetics that my mom got me for my Advent Calendar. Almost all of these eyeshadows are neutral colors but I got three purple shades as well which I really love. I love wearing purple eyeshadows because its a color that goes so well with green eyes :)

♥ NYX Single Eyeshadow in Spring Flower.

♥ NYX Single Eyeshadow in Daffodil.

♥ NYX Single Eyeshadow in Deep Purple.

♥ NYX Single Eyeshadow in Nude.

♥ NYX Single Eyeshadow in Taupe.

♥ NYX Single Eyeshadow in Antique Gold.

♥ NYX Single Eyeshadow in Iced Mocha.

♥ NYX Single Eyeshadow in Dark Brown.

You can find all of these eyeshadows on Cherry Culture's website for only $3.99 each. I order most of my NYX products from Cherry Culture because I love all their good deals. Im keeping my fingers crossed for a discount code soon, still more products Im curious about trying out. You can find the NYX eyeshadows here.

Which single eyeshadows from NYX is your favorite one? :)
Xoxo, Christine♥


  1. loved spring flower and taupe :)

  2. great colors! i love NYX products

  3. Eg har noen av disse, men ikke alle :) Utrolig fine alle sammen synes eg! Håper også på nytt salg hos cherryculture snart.. eg er klar ;)

  4. I am waiting for a Cherry Culture discount code, too! lol. I just received a $50 gift card from there, but it seems like they have sales often, so I am waiting. I want to get a bunch of NYX lipsticks.

  5. thank you so much for the swatches christine I love nyx single eyeshadows xx

  6. @Sarah NYX lipsticks are amazing, definitely get a few of those if you are going to order :)

  7. @Dyna Thank you so much for checking out my post <3 :)

  8. That taupe looks brown to me, not as taupe'y as I'd like. They do have some beautiful colours!

  9. lovely colors! NYX eyeshadows are great, im loving iced mocha, is the shade the same as the jumbo pencil iced mocha??

  10. @Rakhshan Yeah, the eyeshadow and Jumbo eye pencil in Iced Mocha are very similar :)

  11. These're such pretty shades Christine :) the swatches are also looking good :D

  12. @Gauri Thank you so much sweetie, Im so happy you like the swatches :) xo

  13. i love nyx!!!!
    thans for the swatches
    Kisses from Panama


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