Sunday, November 6, 2011

Too Faced Natural Eye Kit [Swatches]

I decided to do a little post about the Natural Eye Kit from Too Faced and share the swatches with you all. I remember eyeing this palette in one of bebexo youtube videos over a year ago and I cant believe that I haven't picked it up sooner, its gorgeous!

This is one of those palettes that are great to have if you are a big fan of neutral colors. The colors are very pigmented, especially the darker ones. If you like the NAKED palette by Urban Decay, I think you are going to love this as well :)

This product was sent to me by for review purposes only.

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What is your favorite product from Too Faced? :)
Xo, Christine


  1. I have so many neutral shades I couldn't possibly purchase anymore, could I? Such a gorgeous palette though! Honey pot caught my eye. (and I kinda like the name "Sexspresso") haha :p

  2. Fargene ser himmelske ut, men eg har aldri blitt helt overbevist over disse flotte eskene i grunn ;)

  3. looks like a great palette, lovely shades

  4. They really have nice palettes they are really pigmented. I just love the nude beach :)

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  5. I have this kit and I LOVE it! Its one of my daily staples!

  6. Beautiful swatches! Silk Teddy, Push Up, Nude Beach, Erotica and Honey Pot I like best ;)

  7. This is a beauty! Great swatches <3

  8. Looks pretty cool :)

  9. Oooh, lovely! This looks like it might go on my Christmas Wish List! =p

    ~ Lauren <3

  10. this palette looks absolutely gorgeous! i think this product will be added to my wish list ^^

    CMPang x

  11. @Sarirah Haha I know, but I cant seem to stay away from neutrals :)

  12. @Mai Let me know if you decide to get it. I would love to hear what you think :)

  13. Jeg har denne paletten selv, og liker den godt. Desverre bruker jeg den alt for sjeldent! :/

  14. This must be my favorite palette evr, I love Erotica and Cocoa Puff!


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