Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tutorial: How To Create Watermelon Nails

 Hey Dolls :)
I'm back with a brand new nail tutorial for you guys tonight. Its been a while since my last one, so I thought this would be the perfect time to do one. I love being creative and I love playing around with my nail polishes :)

If you want to learn how you can create these fun watermelon nails, just keep reading :)

♥ Watermelon Nails.

 1. Start off by applying a base coat to protect your nails. Wait for your base coat to dry, then take two pieces of clear tape and cross them over your nails, creating a triangular shape.

2. Paint your nails with a reddish pink nail polish. Wait for the nail polish to dry, then remove the tape from your nails. You don't have to wait until the nail polish have completely dried, but I find it easier to remove the tape and it makes the lines looks better too. 

3. Create a green tip on your nails.

4. Separate both colors by using a white nail polish striper and create a thin line.

5. Take a light green nail polish and create lines or dots.

6. Add three black seeds using a black nail polish striper to complete the look of the watermelon. Finish off with a top coat to protect your new design from chipping away :)

 Products I used:
Essie Too Too Hot.
Mojito Madness.
♥ China Glaze Entourage.
♥ L.A Colors Art Deco Nail Polish Striper in Black.
♥ L.A Colors Art Deco Nail Polish Striper in White.
♥ Essie No Chips Ahead Top Coat.

♥ Watermelon Nails.

What do you think about the final look? I think this design is very cute, fun and perfect for the summer. I really like how the design turned out. This was my first time doing a nail look using tape, and I think I did well. I definitely want to practice more, because there are so many fun and cool nail looks you can create with tape :)

What do you think about my watermelon nails? Have you missed seeing my nail tutorials? Which design do you want me to do next? Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment :) Xoxo, Christine♥


  1. Those are really cute. Must try :-)))

  2. Wow this is amazing! My nails are sooo small but I'm definitely going to try! Xo

  3. So cute! I never thought of using normal tape to help :O good tip! xx

  4. Well done! This mani looks great!

  5. really cute idea!

  6. they are good enough to eat Christine. you are really talented :)

  7. I love it! They are so cute :)
    I have to try it but I'm so lazy with my nails, I just do the basic and that's enough ahaha

  8. These look so cool! Great tutorial, I'll have to try and find time to have a go :)


  9. Adorable! Keep up the good work Christine! xxx Sha

  10. So cute! I might try this when I can!


  11. I love these nails. I've recently started experimenting with a bit of nail art, and I can't wait to try these out. Best get the decorating out of the way first though, chipped watermelons wouldn't do.

  12. oh my, this is soooo cool!
    i'll have to try it :)



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