Friday, March 27, 2015


My mom and I recently visited our local thrift shop called Fretex and I ended up going home with a couple of goodies! I personally love thrift shops, I think that they are really fun but it's not often that I come across items that I really like and want to buy. I found a couple of cute items on this trip to Fretex and I thought that it would be fun to do a post about them and make this into a new series here on Makeup, Beauty & Fashion.

Let's take a closer look at what I ended up taking home with me. Be sure to let me know in the comments down below how you would style these pieces! :-)

 ♥ Top from Vero Moda. 

 ♥ Sweater from Lindex. 

 ♥ Sweater from Noisy May. 

 ♥ Top from Gina Tricot. 

♥ Earrings. 

I'm really happy with everything that I found at Fretex this time around. I think everything looks super cute and I can't wait to style them and wear them out when it gets a bit warmer outside. I have already created a couple of looks in my mind, which I'm thinking about sharing with you in a ''Outfit Of The Day'' post. Is that something that you be interested in seeing?

What item above is your personal favorite? If I had to choose just one favorite, I think I would have to go with the black lace top from Vero Moda or the white knitted sweater from Lindex. I'm obsessed with both of them and I'm already looking forward to wearing them! :-) 

Next time your in your local thrift shop and can't find anything that you like, just remember to be patient and don't give up. The good stuff is usually hiding amongst the clothes on the racks, so just take your time and keep looking. If you do that, you will most likely find a good bargain! :-)

What do you think about the items that I picked up at Fretex? What's your opinion on thrift shops? How often do you visit them? :-) 

- Love, Christine ♥


  1. I love the sweater from Noisy May, the colour is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you honey! Yeah, I absolutely love the color of the sweater, fell in love with it right away :-) x

  2. I'm in love with VERO MODA creations!
    Have a nice weekend!


    1. Me too, they have so many cute items in their stores :-)

  3. The Vero Moda top is so lovely! We have charity shops in the UK but thrift shops abroad always seem to have much better clothes!

    Milly // Mini Adventures

    1. Yeah, I fell in love with it when I saw it. How would you wear it? Would love a few ideas :-D x

  4. You've actually found some great finds! I especially really like that Noisy May jumper x

    1. Thank you honey! :-) I'm really happy with the items that I found, not often that I find items that I really like at thrift shops :-) x

  5. Loved the Noisy May jumper, nice picks honey, great haul <3 Kisses <3


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