Saturday, June 9, 2012

Outfit Of The Day: Denim Vest & Flower Print

Hey Sweeties :)
Today, Simon and I went to the movie theater to watch Snow White and the Huntsman. I liked the movie, but I feel that they could have done a better job with it. Some of the scenes was really short and they felt a little rushed but that is just my opinion. 

People seem to have a love/hate relationship with Kristen Stewart, I personally like her a lot. I think she is really beautiful and unique in her own way and I think that is why people like her. I'm not a Twilight fan but I absolutely loved her in Welcome To The Rileys. It is a really good movie and I think she was amazing in it. Definitely check out that movie, you might change your mind about Kristen after watching it, I did :)

Enough rambling from me and back to the post. I hope you like my Outfit, let me know what you think about it and how often you want me to do these type of posts in the comments below :)


What I'm Wearing: 
♥ Vest from Gina Tricot. 
♥ Top from H&M. 
♥ Skirt from H&M. 
♥ Tights from Esprit. 
♥ Shoes by Jenny Skavlan for Bikbok. 
♥ Necklace from H&M.

What do you think about my outfit? Have you watched Snow White and the Huntsman? What did you think about it? Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment :) Xoxo, Christine♥


  1. Your outfit is cute! :) But the view from your balcony - Amazing!
    Take care,

  2. I personally don't like Kristen Stewart, but she is good at acting !
    I also would've liked your outfit with tights just because it looks more summy, or you could've included more tights !
    Love love these outfit of the days you post, so please keep posting more

    I'm also feeling a bit tad too cheeky for asking you this, and I understand if you don't post this, but could please vote for me in a New Look Competition?
    Click the link, and click like at the top right corner.
    Then Click go to app
    and then click Vote for Reb Mintoff
    I'm really sorry to ask you, I wouldn't normally resort to this, but please vote for me ?

  3. Cute outfit, the colours of the top and skirt are beautiful! :)

  4. Love your shoes and the locations is so amewsome...a dream! :)


  5. @AdmiralBiatch Thank you so much, I'm happy you like them :)


Thank you so much for reading my blog and for leaving me such lovely comments, I really appreciate each and every single one off you. You guys are truly amazing, thank you for making my day with your sweet words! I always reply back to comments, so make sure to check back!♥

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